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APIs for the Code ​

Completion Pools ​

Sometimes you want to make multiple requests at once. For example the Modules/LlmDriver/app/Functions/StandardsChecker.php:38

Will call the:

$results = LlmDriverFacade::driver($model->getDriver())

This will then do multiple requests to the Driver's Api at once as seen here Modules/LlmDriver/app/GroqClient.php:105

 public function completionPool(array $prompts, int $temperature = 0): array
        $token = Setting::getSecret('groq', 'api_key');

        if (is_null($token)) {
            throw new \Exception('Missing Groq ai api key');

        $model = $this->getConfig('groq')['models']['completion_model'];
        $maxTokens = $this->getConfig('groq')['max_tokens'];

        $responses = Http::pool(function (Pool $pool) use
        ) {
            foreach ($prompts as $prompt) {
                    'content-type' => 'application/json',
                    'Authorization' => 'Bearer '.$token,
                    ->retry(3, 6000)
                    ->post('/chat/completions', [
                        'model' => $model,
                        'max_tokens' => $maxTokens,
                        'messages' => [
                                'role' => 'user',
                                'content' => $prompt,


        $results = [];

        foreach ($responses as $index => $response) {
            if ($response->ok()) {
                $response = $response->json();
                foreach (data_get($response, 'choices', []) as $result) {
                    $result = data_get($result, 'message.content', '');
                    $results[] = CompletionResponse::from([
                        'content' => $result,
            } else {
                Log::error('Groq API Error ', [
                    'index' => $index,
                    'error' => $result->body(),

        return $results;